Serial data processing system for respirator filter efficiency tester 粒子阻隔效率测试仪串行通信数据处理系统
Serial Processing of Exogenous and Endogenous Information Conflicts in Human Brain 人脑对外源性和内源性信息冲突处理机制的探讨
It offers a new resolvent for serial data processing, and has being used in a actual project. 为串行数据的接收提供一种新的解决方案,在工程上得到了实际应用。
Serial Processing or Parallel Processing?& A Review of Theories on Visual Search Mechanism 平行搜索还是系列搜索&视觉搜索机制研究的理论分析
Facing to the bad performance of synchronous communication, the less ability of serial processing and expansibility in existing diagnosis system, a new architecture of distributed remote diagnosis system and event service of CORBA are introduced. 针对现有分布式诊断系统所存在的同步通信性能差、缺乏并行处理能力和系统的可扩展性差的问题,引入了新的分布式远程诊断系统的体系结构和CORBA的事件服务技术。
Image motion analysis is made up of synchronized electronic data-image acquisition and serial images processing. 图像运动分析法,是电测量系统-图像系统实时同步采集和图像序列运动分析二者相结合的研究方法。
A novel parallel algorithm for DNA sequence assembly under the distributed memory environment is presented in this paper. The serial processing procedure and parallel algorithm for OVERLAP, LAYOUT and CONSENSUS of the DNA sequence assembly are described respectively. The complexity of the algorithm is analyzed. 针对分布式存储环境,本文提出一种DNA序列拼接的并行算法,分别对序列拼接中OVERLAP、LAYOUT和CONSENSUS阶段的串行处理过程和并行算法进行了描述,并给出了算法复杂性分析。
The advantages and artistic charm of animation works presented in landscape architecture is further illustrated through examples of animation working of serial landscape processing. 通过园林连续风景序列动画制作实例,进一步展现动画创作在园林设计表现中的优势及艺术魅力。
In this paper the fuzzy controller based on the reasoning algorithm is designed by adopting Nios processor with both parallel and serial processing modes. 采用具有并行和串行处理方式的Nios处理器来设计基于推理算法的模糊控制器。
The novel device can directly demultiplex different channels from space synchronously and does not need the posterior filters for serial processing, which is beneficial for systemic integration. 这一器件可以将不同的透射通道在空间上同时直接分离,无需后接滤波器进行串行处理,利于集成。
The disputation between serial processing and parallel processing has been perennial. 串行处理和并行处理之争由来已久。
Conjunction search is at the attentive processing stage on the basis of feature search and attributes to serial processing. 联合搜索是在特征搜索的基础上进行的注意加工,属系列加工。
This paper discussed the theory of AES algorithm, described round function and key expension encipherment, and then presented two implemental ways based on FPGA: serial processing and pipelining. 本文在分析了AES算法原理的基础上,详细论述了轮变换及密钥扩展算法的编制原理,分别提出了串行和并行两种利用FPGA硬件来实现AES算法的方案;
Software system design and implementation based on principle of modularized serial processing model 基于模块串列处理模型的软件系统设计与实现
Aiming at the serial processing question existing in some typical search algorithms, this paper presents a fast motion estimation algorithm based on parallel processing principle. 该文针对传统搜索算法串行处理的缺点,提出了一种基于并行处理的快速运动估计算法。
Finally, a serial of processing experiments were carried out and the effects of grinding angle, robot moving speed and grinding path on the surface quality were studied and the suitable grinding parameters were obtained. 最后,在建立的机器人研磨实验平台上进行了机器人研磨工艺参数实验研究,得到了研磨角度、机器人行走速度和研磨轨迹对研磨表面质量的影响规律;
To overcome the shortcoming of serial processing in the traditional design of radar simulation and increase the efficiency of radar simulation, a dataflow-driven general purpose radar simulation framework is introduced. 为了克服传统雷达仿真设计中串行处理的弱点,提高雷达仿真程序的运行效率,设计了一种基于数据流驱动的通用雷达仿真程序框架。
The new data process path in Baseband is constructed to optimize hardware resource when it is realized by the means of serial bit processing. 给出了新的蓝牙基带的数据处理路径结构,采用串行方式实现可优化硬件资源。
Quasi-modularity of language processing advocates the existence of quasi-modules in which serial processing ( modular system) runs the prime operation while parallel processing ( neural network informationally encapsulated) correspondingly plays a primitive role. 准模块理论认为串行处理主要体现在高层系统(模块系统)上的操作,而并行式处理则体现在底层系统(处于信息封闭系统中的神经网络)上的操作。
It is necessary to interpret SAR images at first time. But limited to the characters of large scene and massive data, serial processing based on single computer is difficult to satisfy the actual requirement. 由于在实际应用中,需要第一时间对SAR图像进行解译,但受限于SAR图像大场景,海量数据的特点,单机串行处理很难满足实际需求。
Second, introduction to power remote reading system architecture and software design process, including power communication protocol, TCP/ IP protocol processing module, the GPRS communications and control module and serial communication processing module described in detail. 其次介绍电力远程抄表系统组成原理和软件设计过程,主要包括电力通信规约、TCP/IP协议处理模块、GPRS通信控制模块和串口通信处理模块进行详细的介绍。
Because that big data cannot be stored in a single computer and traditional serial processing needs a lot of time overhead, how to efficiently process big data has been a problem which urgently needs to be solved. 由于海量数据已经不能够存储在单一的计算机上,传统的串行处理需要大量的时间花销,因此如何对海量数据进行高效处理成为一个亟需解决的问题。
At present, the traditional serial processing method of the after-sale quality feedback information has resulted the problems of low processing efficiency and slow response and low customer satisfaction, and created serious economic loss and influence to the customers. 当前,我国通机制造企业售后质量反馈信息的处理大都采用传统串行处理方式,导致信息处理效率低、响应周期长、客户满意度低等问题,给客户造成了严重的经济损失和影响。
Because the search was carried out along equal angle on a circle, the edge point detected can be clear ordered and keeping continuity, so the farther thinning and serial processing were not needed and the processing speed of system was much improved. 2. 由于在搜索过程中采用圆周上等角度方向进行,使检测出的边缘点有序。且边缘点清晰、连续,无需进一步细化和序列化处理,提高了系统处理速度。
Traditional DSP chip is increasingly difficult to meet the hardware needs of modern modulation-demodulation technology because of its inherent characteristics of serial processing. 传统的DSP芯片由于其固有的串行处理特性,越来越难以满足现代调制解调技术的硬件需求。
With the development of the Serial Processing Technology, people found its development reach the limit because the physics laws. 在串行处理技术高速发展的今天,人们意识到串行处理技术的发展速度会因为多种物理学定律的限制达到极限。
The computation of the coding part of EZW is large to get less efficient serial processing code. EZW改进算法的编码部分计算量大,使用串行处理编码效率较低。
In fact, it forms essential long path which affects the results of scheduling, because the processes on the same equipment are the serial processing. 表面上产品工艺树中最长路径上工序的加工时间和是产品完工时间的下界,事实上由于同设备上工序串行加工,形成真正对调度结果有重要的影响的实质长路径。
The complexity of the network makes power flow calculation and reliability assessment may need large amount of calculation, traditional serial processing technology is limited in time and space to process this problem. 网络规模的复杂化使得大规模电力系统潮流计算与可靠性评估可能需要超大规模的计算量,传统串行单处理技术有限的时空处理能力将难以实现。
Traditional serial processing pattern adopts the method of dealing with data sets in blocks orderly, which makes every processing dependent excessively on the former intermediate result. 其中分块串行处理模式采用对分块数据顺序处理的方法,数据之间依赖性较强。